#1 concern about dreams


How is it possible …

… to experience success or failure

… before even waking up in the morning?

Stay with me and you’ll find out.

But first…

The testimony parade marches on.

Over at our testimony page here 

… they just keep coming to the glory of our LORD.

“Debt forgiveness”

Glory to God!! 

Second day of ongoing Sapphire prayers and a loan of over $36,000 has just been forgiven. - Lorely 


“In 2018 I joined the Prayer Academy when things were so rough with my marriage. There was no peace and divorce was threatening. I believed God and held on to prayer.

In 2021 I joined the Sapphire prayers and I can’t tell you how much the Lord has come through for me. My marriage is pure bliss now. It’s like I’m dealing with a new man now.

Oh taste and see that the Lord is good.

In addition, I tried the 40 prayers of prosperity for a new house on which at first it was just a dream and I was only testing the waters. Now, my husband got a good paying job, a car and now a mansion is under construction, almost being finished.

These prayers work!!!

People who knew me then are puzzled how we got to achieve all this in a short time, and get to refer them to Firesprings. Most get results and give glory to God.”

Eagle Flora



“Met and married my husband within one month”

“I am just overwhelmed at what God is doing in my life. I have been using the prayer points you always send to my email since last year and it seemed like nothing is happening.

I persisted and always wondered when it will be my turn to testify. I am happy to announce that God has finally given me a cause to laugh.

I met my husband and got married within one month. We found out that we have so much in common as children of God.

I am short of words on what to say because it is happening all at the same time. I believe that He will perfect all He has started in Jesus name.” — Chy


“Got my papers from Home Office within 1 month”

“My name is Gertrude. When I started my case with Home Office here in the UK I didn’t know what I was going to do but I asked my sister, who is in Malawi, and she sent me your prayers.

I prayed everyday and my results are amazing because in exactly 1 month from 15th February to 15th March I have received my papers.

I am so happy and haven’t stopped praying because God is Great. Indeed I’m going to testify to all my friends how great is our God. His work is amazing.” – Gertrude.


I said NO! to COVID-19


“The Word of God is true, alive and still doing miracles. On 18 October 2021 I went for a COVID test.

As I went for the test I felt in my spirit that I really needed to pray as there was an arrow of covid targeted against me and my baby (I was pregnant and the pregnancy was due).

After the covid test I went to my sister’s place and we prayed. I had been having chest pains for about a week.

I got a call from the doctor’s office that my results had come and should come see him.

I went to see the doctor and he said to me,

“It does not rain for you but always pours, you tested positive. Because you are positive you need to pay an extra USD4500 for your cesarian section or …

… we wait for your recovery before we can deliver the baby. I want to be honest with you, Covid in pregnancy is a high risk, you might end up in ICU or dead so prepare mentally for the next 14 days.”

As I sat there my mind went blank, the baby had to be delivered on that day because of other complications I had.

I started feeling shortness of breath, my legs started to lose strength, I went to the parking lot gasping for air.

As I sat there a verse was deposited in my spirit. Job 16:19,

“Also now, behold, my witness is in heaven, and my record is on high.”

I quickly created 3 prayer points from the above verse and prayed with a holy shout 21 times each prayer point. Find the prayer points I created below:-

1. I declare that my COVID-19 report and record is in heaven and I put to shame every Covid-19 record against me from the air, sea and the earth in Jesus mighty name.

2. I destroy every Covid-19 report targeted against my life and baby in Jesus name.

3. I erase any record of Covid-19 against me and my baby in Jesus name.

The Spirit told me to go take Holy Communion and get another test immediately. I bought a drink and some biscuits went back to the car and took Holy Communion.

I prayed that the broken body of my Lord Jesus Christ and His blood which was shed at Calvary flush out Coronavirus from my system.

I went back into the lab and made sure I got tested by a new person and they told me to wait 3 hours for the results.

After 3 hours I went to collect the results and lo, God is faithful!, they were negative. As I received my results, all the funny symptoms I was having left.

I then prepared for my surgery and God blessed our family with a bouncing baby boy.

As I presented my Covid results to the nurses on admission, they just looked at the paper and said “You are negative well come in”.

Little did they know that there was a battle that was fought and won, a very fierce battle. I learnt that some diagnosis need to be rejected.

I said No to Covid and it put its tail between its legs and fled! Glory be to the name of the LORD.” - Esthere G


That’s how it is done.


No fear.

No panic.

Take note of the pivotal role played by the Holy Spirit in this testimony.

That’s the game changer.

He started by releasing the scripture verse for the situation at hand.

Out of that one verse jumped 3 targeted prayer bullets.

With this combination – the Word and prayer – the enemy didn’t stand a chance.

Please hold this thought in your mind anytime the enemy comes against you.

There is a scripture and a prayer custom-made for your situation.

Question is:

Do you know how to obtain that divine combination?

Speaking of which…

Recently I put out a short survey where …

posed a simple question to new visitors from social media.

The question was:

What is your #1 concern about dreams?


At the top of this page you see the answers. Of the 23,519 people who responded…

38% (the highest) said they wanted to receive divine direction in their dreams …

… instead of bad dreams and nightmares.

I must tell you:

The enemy has really stepped up attacks against so many people in the dream.

For some reading this, the enemy has converted their dream life into a battlefield.

By the time they wake up in the morning, they are already defeated.


Drained of all energy and left with no strength to face the day.

The constant feeling of hopelessness, emptiness and frustration that many are experiencing today could sometimes be traced to their chaotic dream life.

In the midst of that chaos please recognize …

2 spiritual truths:

#1: The LORD might be speaking to you in your dreams without you realizing it!

 #2: If you are a believer trying to grow spiritually, the enemy will launch evil attacks against you.

Especially in your dreams.

You must learn to win your dream battles using a combination of the Word of God and battle-ready prayer.

Here’s how Brenda did it:


“The Holy Spirit led me to your site in January this year, the prayer bullets from your site and your daily emails have helped me to overcome the spirits that used to torment me every night.

 For the first time in my life I now have peaceful nights and good dreams. I accepted Christ when I was 8, am now 32 years.

Pastors prayed for me and I used to pray for myself but it was always the same thing until I started firing your prayer bullets at midnight that’s when my life began to change.

I first overcame those spirits in my dreams and now I sleep so peacefully. I have never been happy like this before.”

- Brenda, Uganda


How did she overcome those powers in the dream?

By deploying two methods that we teach.

Method #1: praying in the dream

Method #2: praying as soon as you wake up

Method #1 is more effective by far.

Let’s see how it works.

Using a real-life example.

When some wicked powers made the mistake of coming against one of our prayer eagles in the dream, they didn’t know what they were getting into.

Hear her:

Dream Victory – Method #1


Dear elisha, God bless you for giving satan and his co-workers a real hard time!

I am praying so hard and yesterday I was given the job that I had been unfairly denied.

It is not earning much but it was a big blow to the devil after I had been demoted for no apparent reason.

All is well and indeed all my prayers and supplications are being answered. Favor has become my portion…

A hot one here elisha…

I am praying in my dreams. In a million years I would never have thought that such stuff happens.

I have attacked spiritual husband three times in my dream. This is what I fired:

‘Spiritual husband release me by fire and die in Jesus name!’

Then I fired another one to spiritual caterers:

‘Spiritual caterers drink your own blood and eat your own flesh in Jesus name!’

Indeed the Lord’s light is shining upon me. God bless you abundantly and may the Spirit of the Lord always be with and in you. – Margaret,  Kenya.

I hope you notice when she says:

‘I am praying in my dreams.’

Because… that is the KEY.

There is a connection between that prayer in the dream and the job that she has just taken back by force.

So the MOST EFFECTIVE way of dealing with dream enemies is what I call …


To fire back while the attack is in progress, right there in the dream.

This is explained in more detail in our dream series here, here and here

There are specific prayers and scripture verses to deal ruthlessly with all the enemies that appear in your dreams.

More importantly…

Once you clear your dream life of bad actors and dream criminals, you will find yourself receiving divine revelations …

… because the LORD still speaks through our dreams.

Job 33:14-18 says:

For God may speak in one way, or in another, Yet man does not perceive it.

In a dream, in a vision of the night, When deep sleep falls upon men,

While slumbering on their beds, Then He opens the ears of men,

And seals their instruction.

In order to turn man from his deed, And conceal pride from man,

He keeps back his soul from the Pit, And his life from perishing by the sword.

Let’s go to this month’s prayers:

7 Furious Prayers for April 2022


Scripture Ingredient: Isa 54:17:

No weapon formed against you shall prosper, And every tongue which rises against you in judgment You shall condemn.

This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is from Me,” Says the LORD.

1.    I plead the blood of Jesus over my dream life in Jesus name.

2.   O Lord forgive me for any sin that’s making me a target of dream attacks in Jesus’ name.

3.   Holy Spirit, provoke divine dreams in my life in Jesus’ name.

4.   Witchcraft dreams, clear away by fire in the name of Jesus.

5.   Let the resurrection power of our Lord Jesus Christ fall upon my dream life in the name of Jesus.

6.   Let the warrior angels of the LORD go on a “search and destroy” mission to the land of the living and of the dead to destroy every power assigned to attack me in the dream in Jesus name.

7.   Henceforth, let no power trouble me in the dream for I bear on my body the marks of the Lord Jesus Christ. 

Remember to thank the LORD for answering your prayers. 

Be An Overcomer




P.S. Resurrection month, resurrection blessings; here’s the prayer >>



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No apologies.

 Just got this inspiring missive from South Africa.


“7 furious prayers for February
stopped death at the door”


“I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for being our coach tirelessly and with such unfailing dedication. 

In the early hours of Sunday morning the Holy Spirit woke up at 3:45am to pray. I fired the 7 furious prayers for February. When I went to sleep I had a ‘dream’ where a friend of mine was driving, we were from a trip from his hometown. 

When I looked at him he didn’t look like my friend that I know. He was a stranger but I was under the impression that he’s my friend. Whilst driving, something distracted him and he lost control of the car. We rode over a hill and the car was thrown in the air and there was a valley at the bottom with mountains everywhere. 

I was waiting for us to crash into a mountain but everything was happening in slow motion. Whilst in the air, I saw the sky open and I saw two men wearing white. One sitting and one standing, it was as if they were waiting for me. 

Suddenly I saw a white bird coming towards me, to fetch me (I sensed it was the Holy Spirit), then I started praying and I said “Lord please forgive me of my sins, I want to enter heaven”. As the bird was about to grab hold of me my alarm clock went off. 

Elisha, this experience felt so real as I woke up in a sweat. In my view, this was a the devil’s way of stealing me but the God of the 7 furious prayers stopped death at the door. I don’t know what would have happened if I had not been praying these prayer points. This experience made me realize that this is how people sleep and don’t wake up. 

The devil had carefully planned this so that my death will be ”accepted” by family and friends. They would have said “she died peacefully in her sleep, God took her peacefully“, what nonsense.  

This experience was a rude reminder that the devil is seeking whom he may devour. We need to be fired up for God in these last days, the time for lukewarm Christianity is over. It’s time for intense war. 

These prayers are really manufactured from the throne room of heaven.”

- Thandeka, South Africa

 She says:

“These prayers are manufactured from the throne room of heaven.” 

Need I say more? 

Speaking of death-arresting prayers look at the next one…



Why you may NEVER need to use these 6 prayers (but I’m giving them to you anyway)

Because if the situation ever arises…


You will be well armed.


OK, it’s a long one… but I don’t think you want to miss it.


How would you like your prayers to “scare” away death itself?


Please take a notebook and write down the 6 prayer bullets (plus the scriptures) in this explosive praise report.


Here’s Eagle Josephine with her praise report:



“At my workplace, I found a colleague who knew about Elisha Goodman but has never joined the Academy.

So when I told her about the Academy she began chatting with me more. It so happens on June 22nd she informed me at a few minutes to midnight that her sister had suddenly gone into a coma and they 
didn’t know why. 

I advised her to pray at the midnight hour the following prayer points:

1. Owners of evil load, carry your load by fire in Jesus’s name.

2. Oh Lord dispatch you angels of fire and war to the land of the living and the dead, to close every satanic grave that has been dug for my sister xxx in Jesus’s name.

3. You coffin spirits programmed to waste my sister xxx’s life 
receive divine judgement by fire in Jesus’s name. 

4. Oh Lord arise and deliver xxx from the mouth of the lion in Jesus’s name.

5. Devil you are a liar, xxx is not your candidate, eat your own flesh and drink your own blood in Jesus’ name.

I also gave her these verses: Luke 1:37; Matthew 19:26 as sent in Elisha’s postings a few days earlier.

Suddenly on the third day of prayer i was on the 5th prayer point, i got stuck saying it several times and saw my friend’s sister on a hospital bed and a black man with a hat coming off her body and leaving.

Following morning i met my colleague and she was rushing to hospital because her sister had started opening her eyes. They found her brain was swollen and had fluid and the left part of body paralyzed. It was a stroke.

Her sister remained in numb state and suddenly the spirit guided me to the following prayer point:

– Oh thou Spirit of resurrection breath life into her head, blood, lungs, eyes nose, bones and entire body in Jesus’s name.

And suddenly the following day July 2nd, the fluid in brain was gone and she was removed from ICU.

She however needed to feel her body. For some reason i couldn’t pray any more. It was only thanksgiving. I told my colleague they needed to thank God.

As i speak her sister can now feel her body, can remember everyone, though can’t remember the most recent events.

Last Friday, the only message i could hear in the spirit is they need to thank God. Its such a miracle. Her sister has been born again for years but her husband just gave his life to Christ last month having seen the wonders of God.

Thanks so much for teaching us to pray. More so, the regular postings are so important. I got some of the prayer points and the verse about one week before the incident happened.

Jesus is alive!”

- Josephine B


Praise the LORD. 

No matter what your current situation is…

… whether you’re experiencing financial problems, going through a breakup, just lost your job, suffering from health issues, or maybe you’re just feeling “stuck” in your life 


– the LORD CAN use your prayers (or the prayers of other believers) to turn things around really quickly for you.


I checked Josephine’s record and found that she is a PLATINUM Eagle – having gone through our highest level of training over and over again.


At the PLATINUM LEVEL, the emphasis shifts from just praying for yourself to…


… helping others through a demonstration of the miracle-working power of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.


The husband of this lady just gave his life to Christ.




Because he has seen the hand of the Lord at work.


Bible says:


Jesus therefore said unto him, Except ye see signs and wonders, ye will in no wise believe. – John 4:48


It is the same thing today.


My goal in sending these hot daily broadcasts is to wake you up to rise to the level that Josephine is demonstrating here…


… so you too can give a helping hand to those around you.


AFTER praying down the power of God into your own life.


Look, it gives Heaven great joy when we step in to help others as prayer eagles.


Because at the end of the day, the LORD gets the glory.


Let’s show some MORE proof.


“Activating the healing power of prayer (distance no barrier)”


“Towards the end of 2015 I was asked to pray for healing for two women, one was about 20 years old and the other about 50 years old.

Both were admitted to the Hospital and were on beds next to each other. the 20-year-old could not eat strong food for more than a year while the 50-year-old had heart problem.


“They were hundreds of miles away, so I prayed for them over the phone.  I prayed these three prayers:


- “O great physician, by every power for which you are known to be God, arise and totally heal Winnie (20-year-old) and Nepika (50-year-old) in Jesus name”. 


- Every serpentine arrow programmed into their bodies, I command you to come out and never to return in Jesus name”


- I withdraw their blood line from every satanic blood banks in Jesus name amen”


“After praying for them both told me that they were sweating and the next day the young girl started to eat strong food, which she could not eat for over a year.


“The 50-year-old felt healed. Not only they were healed, but the girl’s parents and the guardians who were there listening to me praying as the phone was put on speaker, had a sudden hunger for the word of God. For two weeks after the prayer, they could not stop reading the Bible.” – Daniel K, PNG



Praise the LORD.


I hope you catch this part…


“For two weeks after the prayer they could not stop reading the Bible…”


 Every miracle God does should draw people closer to Him.


Make them hunger for MORE of Him.


That’s the purpose of miracles. Period.


Always keep that at the back of your mind when you hear of miracles (there are so many fakes and counterfeits these days).


Now while some believers who have been born again for 30 years will never dream of taking on such assignments…


Our very own prayer eagles, trained in the Prayer Forum right here, are always looking for an opportunity to set the captives free.


 They are living PROOF that Jesus Christ is still in the healing business.


 Daily, He is confirming their activities with signs and wonders.


Here’s another variation…


Who else wants to become a dedicated fighting machine?


“I was introduced to this ministry in 2007 and I was struggling at that time with demonic oppression. I was a Christian but did not have understanding let alone knowing how to fight spiritual battles.


“I was beaten down in dreams and in real life and I was humiliated. But from that day an email popped into my inbox and I read all the testimonies, I got so excited that there is a solution to my problem.


“I started getting your emails and participated in the midnight prayers and took prayer bullets as prescribed. My life changed for the better. After joining Prayer Academy, I was now unstoppable.


“Through your timely teachings, me and by best buddy warrior Tsakane formed a prayer team where we teach warfare. We are celebrating our 9th year with these dangerous ladies. We are currently about 20 dedicated fighting machines.


“With all your teachings, we were blessed with the gifts of the Holy Spirit, i.e speaking and interpreting tongues, gift of prophesy, gift of healing, gift of discernment.


When we meet, people are referred to us for help and we trust the guidance of the Holy Spirit for direction in every situation we come across and we have never stopped growing.


“The team now participates in the yearly 27 minutes to midnight. Some of the members have participated in the Prayer Academy. “May the Lord continue to increase your love for him. Thank u very much for your service to Jesus Christ our Lord and saviour.


- Irene, South Africa






There are 2 outstanding statements she made – and you need to take note – particularly if you are in ministry.


Outstanding Statement #1:


 “With all your teachings, we were blessed with the gifts of the Holy Spirit, i.e. speaking and interpreting tongues, gift of prophecy, gift of healing, gift of discernment.”


Outstanding Statement #2:


“We trust the guidance of the Holy Spirit for direction in every situation we come across and we have never stopped growing.”


If you read Acts of the Apostles, you will find that these statements are biblical. Without these, no ministry will be able to fulfil its mandate.


Acts 1:8 says:


But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.


Let’s now pause for prayer.


Please take this with a holy shout:


O LORD, ignite the fire of the Holy Ghost in me so I can reach my full potential in Jesus name.


This is a furious prayer.


Eagle Irene and her band of prayer warriors have received that fire. No wonder they nickname themselves:


“Dedicated fighting machines.”


It gives me great joy to hear of such exploits for the cause of Christ. My prayer and hope is that you too will use these teachings to someday become a mighty warrior in Christ’s Kingdom.


I love it when someone takes these teachings and then turns around to help train others.


That really makes my day.




Now, I can almost hear someone saying, “I am not that anointed”




How would you know unless you at least step out and give it a try?


Try something.


I literally got this one today.


Coincidentally, it is from another Irene in South Africa:


“You don’t need to be liked by a pastor”



“I got to this website in 2013, 06 November just after a bad breakup with my boyfriend then, I was miserable and ever since then my life has taken 180 degree TURNAROUND.

This ministry has totally transformed my life & my family and my world.


“I’m living the life beyond my background because of Firesprings ministry and all I do is tell people to use these prayers, join prayer academy and get their prayers answered because most Christians are struggling and they don’t know about this ministry.


“Let’s go out there and tell them there is a better way of praying, the world need this ministry, you don’t need to rely on anyone to pray for you but all you need is to get the right prayers to pray & God will definitely answer.


“I love this ministry with all my heart, you don’t need to be liked by a pastor for you to get your prayers answered, I love your way of doing things and keep up the good work. Thank God for using Firesprings to save me.” – Irene P




We are blessed to be a blessing.


As we march into this month of March, please remember to take it…


One Step, One Punch, One Round




Log into the Prayer Forum (one step), start with the first prayer bullet (one punch), soon you will get to all the prayer bullets for that session (one round).


Do that day after day and you will receive all the answers to your prayers…


… and claim your share of the huge wave of divine blessings, freshly released from the storehouses of Heaven daily.


I never want to hear anyone say they have prayed everything they know of and do not know what to pray again.


Just one step, one punch, one round at a time … from this night onward.


The big challenge some are having today is discouragement.


That’s where the Forum comes in.


What is it exactly?


In the words of Prayer Advisor Rose…


“The Forum is designed for you to share your problems so that an army of Prayer Eagles and Prayer Advisors can support you in prayers and encourage you, advise you and pray in agreement with you to destroy, demolish and eradicate any evil spirit, principality or power causing problems in your


As we altogether move forward, we are a greater force and victory belongs to all of us. When we share our problems, our eyes are opened to the many weapons that the enemy uses and right there and then, because we are an army, we can destroy them together and move forward as a greater force in God.


No one knows your details in the Forum and members are not supposed to discuss or divulge anything discussed, mentioned and/or advised and recommended, in this Forum to anyone else in public or outside this platform.”


- Prayer Advisor Rose, Australia


Proverbs 27:17 says:


Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.




To this month’s prayers.




7 Furious
Prayers for March 2022



Scripture Ingredient




But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.


Psalm 63:9-10:


But those that seek my soul, to destroy it, shall go into the lower parts of the earth. They shall fall by the sword: they shall be a portion for foxes.


1.  I cancel my name from every register of sudden death and destruction in the name of Jesus.

2.  Anything in my body programmed to sabotage my destiny, be evacuated by fire in Jesus name.

3.  Let every satanic timetable for my life and family be roasted by the fire of divine judgment in
Jesus name.

4.  Evil trees in my life, hear the word of the Lord, dry up and die now in the name of Jesus.

5.  My blessings in the warehouse of the enemy, I clear you out by fire in the name of Jesus.

6.  Every enemy of my promotion and advancement this year, scatter in the name of Jesus.

7.  Blood of Jesus arise in your power and fight for me in my dreams in the name of Jesus.


Please take these prayers with holy madness.


Pray with the spirit of the overcomer…


… looking unto Jesus, the Author and the Finisher of our faith…



Be An Overcomer




P.S. If you are serious about getting out of debt (and stepping into divine abundance) this year here’s the prayer >>

P.P.S. Forum is open – details here >>





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Do you ever read my emails …

… and think I’m telling tall tales? 

Or maybe “that stuff wouldn’t work for me in my situation?”

Or “it wouldn’t work for my kind of problems?”

Well, here are two very recent results.

From two very different people.

In two very different countries.

“I needed money
and there it was”


I stormed the gate with the prayers you gave us alongside the Esther Fast and i remember one of the reasons i told God is i need more business capital and guess what?

This morning someone walked to me and gave me a good amount of money and told me….you can use this for your business.  

I was shocked because i had just whispered to God in my heart ….daddy i need money and there it was!!!!! Glory be to God 

– Emily, Uganda

Blocked money unblocked


I am doing the 27 Minutes to midnight prayers and I already have a testimony. I am running a business which was not doing well due to outstanding payments. 

And guess what? 

From the 1st January my customers started paying their outstanding money. Praise the Lord. 

– Caroline, South Africa 


There’s MORE


 He has removed my reproach!


I have been using your prayer bullets to ask God for a godly spouse and on 14th December, my unfailing God answered my prayers and i had a colourful wedding officiated by a servant of God.

To God be the glory! Indeed He (God) has removed my reproach and covered my shame. I will forever be grateful to God. To all those who are believing God for various miracles, our God is well able. 

- Barbara


A brand-new set of lungs


My youngest son has been suffering from one disease after another but the doctors can’t really find what’s wrong with him. One night he couldn’t sleep and kept coughing, it was horrible but I took the time to read the prayer points you sent me asking God to help us figure out the problem.

The next day when I took him to the hospital, he was actually diagnosed with Pneumonia and I was scared for him. That night something just woke me up at 3pm and I couldn’t sleep anymore so I asked God, “what do I do now that am awake ?”

It’s funny cause immediately I heard this little voice at the back of my head telling me to pray. I prayed for almost two hours for healing of my son and all the other people that needed healing. Two days later when we went for his checkup, there was no pneumonia.

The new doctor that was attending to him went and got the doctor who diagnosed him with pneumonia to come and check him again. All she said was that, “It’s like he has a new set of lungs.” He was healed in Jesus name.

– Sarah O


“My husband didn’t
know how to say I love you”


Dear elisha, Your advice is amazing. I did read Psalms 91 aloud & boom. I refuse to eat or drinking in my sleep. In the mighty name of Jesus Amen.

My husband didn’t know how to say I love u. All of a sudden he started loving me. We were like sister & brother. He even started calling me Mrs. Amazing. Your prayer bullets helped me a lot.

– Faresa, South Africa


 Undisputed Promotion


I have been stuck on the same job and same position for 9 good years. I started the Prayer Academy and yesterday I got an undisputed promotion to the highest position just below the CEO. Praise God. 

– Rauna, Namibia


Her Son is set free


I gave my sister the Prayer Cookbook for Busy People. Last week she decided to do the Esther Fast for her son who was gay, she called me during the fast to find out exactly what to do. She did it at the midnight hour.

One of the nights she dream of one big snake, it was trying to attack her. She said she grabbed it by the neck, all of a sudden the snake begin to shrink until it look like a skeleton. She then dropped it. 

On Wednesday her son went to prayer meeting, he surrendered to Christ. and is praying the prayers in the Cookbook. He removed all the stuff he had in his room that was not pertaining to him (man). 

Elisha, there is something about the Cookbook it penetrate through iron. 


It gets even better. 

Please pay close attention to this one…


“I can hear
God clearly speaking to me”


“I also have a testimony. 

I have been sick on and off for the past 2 yrs. But your prayer points have helped me a lot. I came across your site long time back but i was not serious about it. 

I didn’t know how to pray but now I am a prayer warrior. I can hear God clearly speaking to me. The evening before going to the hospital God revealed to me the disease that I was suffering from.

Now, I’m seeing a lot of visions for myself, my community and my church. 

One day I prayed this prayer point (O God show me the secret of my life) because i was so mad that I was just getting sick all the time. 

I would like to thank Almighty Father for using you to teach this generation how to pray. Now I can see in spirit and hear in spirit. The Holy Spirit told me that I’m an intercessor and now i joined the intercession team at my church.

I can pray for hours without getting tired. My fellow intercessors started asking me how I do it. But I told them that it’s not my power but the power of Holy Spirit. 2 weeks ago I was  chosen to be the chairwoman of the intercession team by our bishop.

I’m yet to join Prayer Academy but it’s my wish to do so soon by Gods help. 

- Ruth, Malawi.


Glory be to the name of the LORD for all these praise reports. 

We soak them all in the blood of Jesus. 

Now … 

Of all the testimonies you just read, the last one is the most thought-provoking to me. 


Because she has just started on the greatest journey a person could take this side of eternity. 

She is on the way to becoming a member of the executive council of heaven. 

Happily, she announced: 

“Now i can see in the spirit and hear in the spirit” 

This is just the beginning. 

By the time she gets into the Prayer Academy, and graduates into the advanced programs like the Platinum Edition… 

… she will be more than her own personal prophet. 

She will become God’s go-to person wherever she goes. 


The LORD can trust her with divine revelations others are not privy to. 

Already she says: 

“I’m seeing a lot of visions for myself, my community and my church.” 

Frankly if you were asked to choose between this and everything else the world has to offer (wealth, power, fame)… 

… I would advise you to choose wisely. 

Our Lord Jesus Christ said: 

But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. – Matt 6:33 

In the upcoming Sapphire Edition 2022 I’ll go into some detail about how to become a standing member of the executive council of Heaven. 

You will see that God still confides in people as confirmed in Amos 3:7: 

“Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he reveals his secret unto his servants the prophets.” 

I have a confession, though. 

Only those who have passed through our somewhat “rigorous” training will be invited. 

Done the Prayer Academy in the past? 

Then expect an invitation in your inbox in a few days. 

Ours is a fully armed and operational prayer battle station. 

Out there, many people think if they leave the enemy alone, he too will leave them alone. 

Not true. 

See this email I received: 


“Kindly add my account
back into the mailing list”


“I had unsubscribed in late 2018 when I prayed and my situation got worse, as I prayed till I could not pray anymore and I gave up in the prayer program. 

I thought if I stopped praying the enemy would leave me alone as I was no longer a threat. I was in a place I felt I could not battle anymore. 

Since then, matters got even worse and my situation became unbearable, losing job after job in less than a month. At least when I prayed the bullets in the Prayer Academy my job would last for close to to 6 months to 1yr in some cases 2 yrs. 

The situation now even past 2 weeks the job can’t last, debts have mounted,  I see trouble every day.” -    Name withheld


This is the danger of giving up halfway… 

The enemy is just waiting to pounce. 

This is why I always tell you to be an overcomer. 

Because you want to be spitting fire when the agents of darkness come against you. 


Why You Never
Mess With Elite Prayer Eagles


I absolutely love it when I wake up in the morning to read tons  of fresh, wild testimonies from you and other prayer eagles in 117 countries. 

Like this one from Kenya: 


Blown to Pieces !!!


“A strange man would visit me in my dream and have sex with me and i would wake up feeling hopeless and so disappointed. 

I have been receiving your emails and been seeing the many testimonies of dream victories and i really yearned to destroy this strange man in my dream cause i know he is the one delaying my marriage. 

A few weeks ago the man came to sleep with me again and i remember waking up after the dream and asking God to make an end to this spiritual attack. 

I prayed in tongues and went back to sleep, this time round the same man came with a machine gun and he was furious he wanted to kill and finish me. 

I prayed in the dream and i asked the Holy Spirit to rescue me and suddenly an Angel came from heaven with so much power and the strange man was blown up by the Angel into pieces. It’s like the Angel blew him up. 

I praise our Lord Jesus Christ for doing it for me and i thank the Holy Spirit. Thank you for teaching us to be victorious and to be persistent till we win all our battles.”  - Eagle Ann

Ha ha ha… 

Praise the LORD. 

Question for you: 

What do think will happen next time an agent of the devil is assigned to go and attack her? 

Let’s just say they won’t be too eager to go on that evil assignment. 

Because it is like going on a suicide mission. 

They might not come back alive! 

Bible says: 

And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent takes it by force. – Matt 11:12 


To this month’s prayers. 


7 Furious
Prayers for February 2022


Scripture Ingredient
: Psalm 46:8-11


Come, see the works of the LORD, 

who brings devastation upon the earth. 

He makes wars to cease throughout the earth; 

He breaks the bow and shatters the spear; 

He burns the shields in the fire. 

“Be still and know that I am God; 

I will be exalted among the nations, 

I will be exalted over the earth.” 

The LORD of Hosts is with us; 

the God of Jacob is our fortress.



1.   Holy Spirit, charge my life with your fire in the name of Jesus. 

2.   Agents of death, my life is not your candidate, carry your evil load and die in the name of Jesus. 

3.   I refuse to be caged, I reject captivity; thou powers of bondage, die die die in the name of Jesus.


4.   I cancel my name from every register of death and destruction in the name of Jesus. 

5.   O Lord, turn my identity to fire in my dreams in the name of Jesus. 

6.   All my blessings that have been locked up, trapped, or buried, be released by fire in the name of Jesus. 

7.   Any power that does not want to see me alive and prospering, I cut you off from the land of the living in the name of Jesus.



Please take these prayers with holy madness. 

Pray with the spirit of an overcomer… 

… looking unto Jesus, the Author and the Finisher of our faith. 


Be An Overcomer 


P.S. Get out of debt. Step into divine abundance this year with this prayer >>







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Post image for <h2 align=center><b><font color=red>7 Furious Prayers for January 2022</font></b></h2>

Day 12 in progress
Prayers page 94

Happy New Year !!

It’s no longer a secret.

How to get from where you are now …

… to where God wants you to be in 2022?

By joining us at the gates…

You just made the most important decision so far this year.

Please c’lick here to see it now

(The page may disappear at any time)

Note: if this link does not work, just wait a minute and try again. 

It means thousands are trying to access it from 117 countries at the same time).


Be An Overcomer


P.S. Share with friends on WhatsApp, Facebook, and everywhere.





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Post image for <h2 align=center><b><font color=red>7 Furious Prayers for December 2021</font></b></h2>

Last month of the year.

We come out swinging …

… against the two most vicious “strongmen” unleashed upon the human race today.

#1. Strongman of fear

#2. Strongman of infirmity and untimely death

It is important to remind ourselves that we must first stay alive and be in good health to enjoy the wonderful blessings of God.

Not only that, we can no longer afford to sit around and watch our loved ones and family members dropping like flies under the ongoing satanic assault disguised as a pandemic.

As one of our Prayer Eagles TM notes in the Forum:


“And now another variant has been unleashed, OMICRON, the devil is a liar.

How long are we going to live through these demonic cycles of travel bans, lockdowns and quarantine?

I bind and curse this virus to die in the name of Jesus. I render it useless by the blood of Jesus.

It shall not affect me, my family nor the plans that the Lord has in store for me in the year 2022. I refuse to live in fear, panic or anxiety.

I command this demonic virus to go back where it came from and infect whoever  unleashed it right from the beginning in the name of Jesus.

And all satanic mouth pieces disseminating fear and panic amongst God’s people, we silence you by the blood of Jesus.

I speak Psalm 91: 3-12 upon my life and family in Jesus name.

Personally, I’m just fed up of all this Covid stuff. I think it’s just a big business venture by a few corporations.”

Eagle TM is demonstrating one of the finest distinctions of the biblical prophets.

Every single one of those famous prophets was very effective at this one thing.

You will do well to follow in their footsteps.

Especially in these perilous times marked by the greatest deception of the past 100 years.

Before we get there…

Congratulations to all our members, friends and visitors who have been with us in the prayer trenches all year.

In the past few months I’ve been seeing strange, desperate emails like this. 

Email #1: 

Disturbing Side Effects?

“I pray seeking your help. I have done storming the gates for the longest time.

But this year I joined the prayer academy, which I did successfully, however I felt I need to go through it again,

I urged my sister-in-law to buy and join me in prayer too… which she did. But when I reached the end of lesson 6, I got a dream attack.

I was going somewhere and 3 lions attacked me. As I ran, I heard one of them saying, I got one part of her. I jumped into my brother’s vehicle who drove off from the attack scene.

On the same week at work we got the second vaccination of covid and few days later I got a condition called shingles which attacked one side of my head.

I have been in pain under drip in and out of hospital. The worst is my doctor wants to do two tests – one of cancer and hiv. The devil is a liar!

In my sick bed I want prayers that will help me from all this evil suddenly surrounding the glory of God that I have received from praying since 2012.

I need special prayers to send the devil back where it came from.”

- Name Withheld


These are the prayers for those facing such problems.


3 Red Alert Prayers

(Note that these 3 prayers must be prayed aggressively with holy anger):

1. O LORD lift me up from the gates of death in the name of Jesus.

2. O Great Physician by all the power for which you are known to be God, arise and declare total healing, total deliverance, total restoration upon every organ of my body in the name of Jesus.

3. Where is the LORD God of Elijah, arise and disgrace the sons of Balaam and Babel by fire in the name of the Jesus.


(Please share these prayers with anyone having complications like the sister who sent the email above. Remember to explain to them what it means to pray with “holy anger” – very important)

Moving on.

All through this year…

Our prayer riots have focused on equipping the saints with spiritual knowledge, understanding and bullets to bring every problem to its knees.

Our prayer eagle warriors receive divine empowerment to take the fight to the enemy…

… and WIN in the power of the Holy Ghost.

Look at this glorious example from the ongoing native language prayer sessions:

How to Fight Back!

“What a great marathon Week 2 native prayers have been!

I literally felt a shift and power as I prayed in my mother tongue – breaking ancestral chains in a language they originated.

These prayers are very effective and immediately wreak havoc in the camp of the enemy.  After my last midnight prayers for week2, I woke up at 02:47 and prayed.

I dreamt of seeing some creature I assumed to be a snake in a big vase. Upon closer inspection, I realized it was an Iguana reptile with a human upper body.

I immediately held it by the mouth and completely tore it apart with my bare hands. I woke up and sealed this deliverance with the blood of Jesus.

I praise the Lord for being part of this Platinum Forum. My testimony is loading and I am anticipating the move of God in every area of my life!”

- Eagle Nomonde, Platinum Forum


Many of the stubborn problems you see today have their roots hidden in the dream realm.

That’s why we teach that the most significant life victories also can be traced to your dreams.

See the sad case of the sister in Email #1 – the attack started in the dream.

Then manifested in the most terrible way in the natural realm.

Now, compare that situation with the dream encounter of this platinum eagle.

Unlike the satanic lions who got away unscathed, this creature met its waterloo at the hands of a no-nonsense prayer warrior.

Praise the LORD.

Nothing gives me more satisfaction that seeing our prayer warrior eagles take the battle to the enemy…

… and win.

Just a few days ago something happened that left me grinning from ear to ear.

The enemy tried to steal the job of one of our eagles, whose testimony we shared and celebrated here last year.

Unknown to the enemy, the attack was just a step to divine promotion.

Hear her: 

“6-Day Battle Ends in Victory”


“During the first week of native language prayers (Day 3 of Esther Fast) the enemy made a bad mistake.

He tried to steal my job. I received a notice of end of contract and given 3 days to leave the company. (Note I am in a foreign country). This was a huge joke and I could not believe the evil that was unfolding.

I explained the details to our coach and believed his words that the same evil would turn for good. I kept my faith and continued with the native prayers.

After 3 days they said I should not go home but stay to relieve a staff who was due for leave.

I accepted but I knew that was not the end… 6 days later I got back my job and was transferred favorably to work in a new better workstation.

There are some moments in the day I would laugh at the enemy with scriptures because I felt he would surely pay for this.

There is power in prayer combined with absolute trust in God. I actually learnt how to really trust God…

Another thing I had is absolute peace where my colleagues were wondering how I could be so normal is such a situation. I continue to bless God over my life.”

- Eagle BR, Platinum Forum


Speaking about one of the most vicious enemies of Israel, Nehemiah noted:

Because they met not the children of Israel with bread and with water, but hired Balaam against them, that he should curse them: howbeit our God turned the curse into a blessing.

Nehemiah 13:2


I don’t know what the devil and his agents are throwing at you right now…

However, I know that our God knows how to turn evil to good…

.. and curses into blessings.

We’re getting ready to pray.

But before then …

Let’s back up to the ancient prophets.

What was it they were all expert at (apart from delivering God’s message in pure and unadulterated form)?

They we very effective at cursing the works of darkness.

Yes, they were expert “cursers”. 

Think of … 

— Elisha vs the mocking voices – 2 Kings 2

– Jeremiah vs evil counsellors – Jer. 18

– The Lord Jesus vs the fig tree – Mark 11

– Apostle Paul vs false preachers – Gal. 1


We have been given the power and authority to curse diseases and sicknesses.

And command them to die.

Yes, we have the prophetic license to curse any problem to die.

Including such problems as…

– joblessness

– shame and disgrace

– marital distress

– financial failure

– dream attacks

– chronic poverty

– stranglehold of debts


That’s exactly what Eagle TM is doing to the so-called Omicron variant and the powers behind it (and you should too).

As we approach the end of the year…

Please get yourself ready to …

… TAKE BACK all the enemy has stolen from you this year. 

7 Furious Prayers for December 2021 

Scripture ingredient: Psalm 4:1 

Hear me when I call, O God of my righteousness:

thou hast enlarged me when I was in distress;

have mercy upon me, and hear my prayer.


1. Holy Spirit, set my spirit on fire for God in the name of Jesus (give it at least 5 minutes). 

2. Every evil appointment with tragedy and death for my family this year be disappointed by the power in the blood of Jesus. 

3. My life, hear the word of the Lord, reject untimely death in the name of Jesus. 

4. Let the blood of Jesus neutralize every poison injected into my body; O God arise, speak your word of deliverance and resurrection to every organ of my body in the name of Jesus. 

5. I break the curse of untimely death; owners of terminal sickness and disease, carry your evil load and die in the name of Jesus. 

6. Any power constructing coffins for me and my family enter into those same coffins and be buried in the name of Jesus. 

7. As from today I decreee that my environment will work to favor me in Jesus name.



Has the LORD done anything for you this year?

<< Share it here and put the devil to shame >>

(login FREE to see the latest testimonies)


Be An Overcomer


P.S. To access more prayers in the Eagles’ Forum go here or HERE



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A note from ICU
* A note from the Covid ward

This note is …

… straight from the Covid ward.

We begin with it just to prove that …

Healing prayer still works

Praise the LORD.

So far…

It’s been a time of healing, deliverance and restoration.

Stubborn, age-old problems require deep foundational prayers.

Don’t let anyone convince you otherwise.

See proof of that statement:

Ancestral Serpent of My Father’s House Slayed


I joined the Prayer Academy in 2018. I’ve done every Prayer Program since then.

I have constantly battled and dealt with attacks from my father’s house.

I often saw serpents in the dream or felt at at times serpents were following me.

During Mike’s examination prayers of Sapphire Edition, I shared a dream in the Forum about battling evil from my Father’s bloodline and Eagle Grace recommended I go back to Prayer DNA. 

At midnight I went into battle.

The next morning my father (who is not in the Prayer Academy but is a pastor) called me.

He told me he had a dream there was a big snake under a bridge and when he saw it all of a sudden a word appeared and he cut the snake into pieces and cut the poisonous tail.

He then told me (which he never has before) that he’d had dreams of serpents for over 20 years and never was able to kill them, But his time he did.

I was in shock when he told me and went into a great state of praise. I know that God is revealing victory.

So much so that the prayers of this Academy are slaying serpents from my father’s house in his dreams.

- Janee E


Here’s another example of …

… self-deliverance prayer done right.

Self-deliverance means effecting your release from captivity without the need for anyone to pray over you or lay their hands on you.

It means your prayer carries enough fire needed to break free from satanic chains and bondage once and for all.

Here’s the proof.

(Please note what happened when the enemy left – there’s a lesson here):


Delivered from Serpentine Spirit


“Last night something strange happened to me i prayed Prayer bullet number 13 of Day 5:

‘Any serpent hiding in any organ of my body, I address you by the Word of the Lord;

You are a stranger, therefore come out and die by fire now in the Name Of Jesus” 

(Please repeat the underlined part until you have a release in your spirit)

I prayed the underlined part over and over with aggression and holy anger and i started feeling strange movements in my body.

I continued firing the next thing i found myself on the floor rolling and making snake-like movements kicking and twisting like a snake.

I kept on firing the prayer bullet and it kept on happening.

I had no control of what was happening but i didn’t stop praying and it went on for sometime and then after i heard a squeaky like moan coming out of my mouth and my body was in a fetal like position.

Then I found myself praising and thanking God for setting me free.

Elisha this really happened last night when i was praying.

It’s not a vision or a dream it was so real.

Afterwards I stood up thanked and praised God for delivering me and i continued with my prayers.

I’m still in awe of what happened.

The prayers are so real and powerful and victory is certain.

I didn’t post this in the forum because of the grave contents of it and i didnt know  if i should have but i posted thanking God for delivering me and setting me free.

I finished Esther fast yesterday at 6pm but it was a battle i had never felt so weak.

when i logged on to the forum and wrote how i was feeling weak, the Eagles stood in the gap with prayers and encouragement.

I glorify God. He alone deserves all The adoration.

– Madzimure


Praise the LORD.

There is healing and deliverance in the name of Jesus.

If you know anyone with health challenges please refer them to the 7 Furious Prayers of the past few months…

… where we prayed non-stop against the spirit of death.

As we approach the end of the year, we now turn our attention to a crippling problem.

Did you know that 31 percent of people living on the earth today identify as Christians?

That’s 2.5 billion people!

You wouldn’t know that little fact by listening to the so-called news.

Just because the Church appears to be weak and on life-support in the Western World doesn’t tell the whole story.

Elsewhere around the globe, there is a massive spiritual awakening going on.

It won’t be long until we see this scripture fulfilled:

For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea. – Hab. 2:14

But that’s a story for another day.

As we approach the end of the year, I’d like you to think of this verse carefully:

Owe no one anything except to love one another, for he who loves another has fulfilled the law. - Rom. 13:8

Are you indebted to anyone?

It is time to get out of debt.

We continue to pray aggressively against the slave chains of debt.

Praise the LORD … we are seeing results!

In the Platinum sessions we will take it to another dimension. 

“I Shall Not Pay My Tithes to Pharoah”


When the first lockdown started last year i lost my source of income and i used all the money that i had saved for rent to help a friend who was in more need.

I just thought lockdown was going to last for 3 weeks and I would go back to work and work for rentals.

3 months later still in lockdown and I was now owing my landlord 3 months rentals and he almost threw us on the street with my 3 kids.

That’s when I remembered I can pray and ask God to help me. He can take me out of this situation.

I prayed everyday at midnight asking God to open up gates of profitable employment so that I can have enough money to pay all the bills and put food on the table.

God did exactly that. God gave me jobs that I was able to raise three times what I used to earn a month.

I managed to build my own house wthin a short time.

The landlord cancelled the debt and we moved to a new place which was 3 times less the rent we used to pay.

God remains faithful if we put our trust in Him. He did it for my family and i know He will do it again.

I thank God for getting me out of debt.

– Peter N

“Loan Cancelled”


“I have been a member of the PA since 2011 and lost my husband in 2017.

I inherited a loan which was insured and filed a claim with the insurance company to pay off the debt.

The insurer dragged their feet until I was out of the claim period and when pressed paid only 50% using some funny clause which didn’t really exist.

This year I decided to repeat the Academy and whilst doing the prep prayers, the Divine Helpers Prayer Riot came in.

A day or 2 before the start of the riot I received an alert on my phone and when I checked it I saw that the remaining balance of the loan had been paid off.

I remember I was praying the prayer against the strongman of financial destruction so hard with a physical demonstration.

I am so grateful to God for the Prayer Academy surely he made it for us as He wants us to live a glorious and victorious life here on earth as well.

– Luwitendi


Let’s look at that scripture again:

Owe no one anything except to love one another, for he who loves another has fulfilled the law. – Rom. 13:8

Look at this next one:

The LORD will open to you His good treasure, the heavens, to give rain to your land in its season and to bless all the work of your hand; and you shall lend to many nations, but you shall not borrow. – Deut. 28:12


Please make a decision to get out of debt as soon as possible.

It is time for holy rebellion against the evil slave masters of debt.

Do not meekly submit yourself to their slave chains.

The prayers you are about to see will take the enemy by surprise.

By the way …

The prayers are culled from a hot, new manual just out so no one has any excuse to remain in debt longer than necessary.

The manual is available here (48 hours only)

Please shout this with me:

Debt must die in the name of Jesus. 

7 Furious Prayers for November 2021


1. O Lord, forgive me where I have rebelled against your Spirit in Jesus’ name.

2.  Any of my blessings that has been satanically transferred to another, be restored to me now in the name of Jesus.

3. Every dragon of debt, vomit my money and swallow yourself in the name of Jesus.

4.  Holy Ghost, fill me with your fire of revival in Jesus’ name.

5.  O LORD let the riches of the heathens be transferred to me in the name of Jesus Christ.

6.  Every satanic bank where my finances have been diverted to in the spirit realm, be destroyed by the earthquake of the Lord in Jesus’ name.

7.  Power to rise above poverty and reproach, come upon me now in the mighty name of Jesus.

<<See the rest of the prayers here>>

 … Be An Overcomer

 … elisha


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Post image for <h2 align=center><b><font color=red>7 Furious Prayers for August 2021</font></b></h2>

We have a question before us today:

Why do some people receive answers to their prayers while others don’t?

Before we answer the question …

… let me quickly point out something surprising about those who look forward to these furious prayers every month.



Post image for <h2 align=center><b><font color=red>7 Furious Prayers for July 2021</font></b></h2>

This is elisha here…

… with the Halftime Report

Plus, the 7 Furious Prayers for July 2021.

Gape from South Africa opens
the victory parade with this zinger of a shot.

She says:

“I will forever be grateful for this teaching of praying and praising our God in our native language and worship Him in our mother tongue.

This one still gives me chills n goosebumps even today when I do it.

I got testimony of this kind… when I had to wake up one cold night, June 14th and go to hell to snatch my husband from the enemies’ camp. 

I roared in my native language. I wanted the African spirit world to hear me very well and not slumber or pretend they didn’t understand me…”

(Full testimony coming up)

We are about to roll out 2 dreaded weapons of spiritual warfare.

But first…

To the 2 emails I just received.

The writers are both named Precious.

Both emails sit right next to each other in my inbox.

Precious #1

“By way of introduction, l am Precious and I am 23 years old. I did PA last year January and have been joining advanced programs ever since.

I am getting mocked by my peers for doing prayers, dressing modestly not wanting to attend parties and trying my best to do right.

I have learned a lot from the programs but I am sorry but I am starting to feel like the prayers work for some people.

I am trying my best but sir it’s not fair watching other unbelivers excelling effortlessly in school and many other things but I am still struggling and being mocked.

Thank you for the teachings. I am losing hope honestly.”

Precious #2

(long email alert)

“I glorify His Holy name and l thank God for raising you to stand in the gap for many people who get hopeless about life by being tormented by a series of demonic forces from different angles.

I raise a hallelujah to Jesus Christ our King. I joined Prayer Academy 25th April 2020.

I used to live a life of defeat. I’m typing having inner peace in my heart.

My body is healed completely from body pains I carried everyday waking up and going to bed as if it was normal.

Each day l would wake up tired and even in despair of a meaningless life.

The Prayer Academy has taught me to fight my battles in prayer and it has helped me to see the real enemy.

I used to cry out of hopelessness and disappointments in my life, lack of progress, debts after debts, bad dreams, being pressed on the bed like I’m suffocating and it brought a lot of fear that I could not say a prayer.

I suffered rejection from different angles of life.


When l face a problem, and I’m not sure what to do, there is one thing I was taught:

NOT to fear the enemy.

I have been so encouraged.

My spirit of discernment has been sharpened more, just by sensing demonic forces around me, I quickly release a targeted prayer bullet to address the situation.

All my prayers are being answered and I have the peace of God in my waiting for some answers.

I have also obeyed to take up the mandate which you gave us to embark on last year during the Platinum Prayers. 

Through the leading of the Holy Spirit, I have started a WhatsApp prayer group in February this year

We are 48 participants from different countries. God is doing wonders and ministering to many people.

We pray at the midnight hour, share the Word, and with your permission I conduct prayers from the Cookbook with my group members.

Miracles are happening and testimonies.

Testimony from one lady in my WhatsApp group:


Woman of God, I thank you for giving me prayer guidance, u are just a blessing in my life.

From the day I started following your prayer line ummm my life have just changed, & I have also taught myself to close the door and start thanking the Lord for everything HE is doing in my life.

1) at work we shifted to a new factory, it’s so amazing, I am working for this company, my prayers were answered.

2) God is restoring me spiritually & physically, I now know where I belong, am no longer lost.

3) God granted me God fearing people around me including you, woman of God, who mentor me spiritually.

4) My own mother is now starting to appreciate me.

5) My family is also on my side believing, trusting & clinging to our Lord Jesus Christ, who is coming soon to take us. 

Not only that, now God has opened doors of finances too.

I am committed to paying for one Eagle every month to join the Prayer Academy.

Currently we have two ladies who are in the Academy…

Next month by God’s grace another Eagle from my WhatsApp group will be joining.

I’m so happy that God is healing people, restoring hope, faith, peace and love in His people.

- Eagle Precious

Why am I showing you these 2 emails?


Because it is important to see the trajectory of spiritual growth.

Precious #1 is just 23 years old!

Think about it.

At 23 she has already passed through some of the most rigorous prayer warfare training available anywhere.

She’s got the kingdom of darkness panicking.

They know she packs a punch… a divine champion in the making.

What’s their reaction?

The enemy regroups and fights back aggressively… in an all-out effort to discourage her.

But I’m happy to report they are failing in that assignment already.

She just sent me another email and I see she is back on the firing line.

Praise the LORD.

Now, to Precious #2.

This is what total victory looks like …

… once you overcome what’s facing Precious #1.

It is glorious.

You become a co-laborer in His vineyard.

Matt 28:18-20:

And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying,

“All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth.

Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,

teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen.


Please mark the words:

“Make disciples of all nations”

That calls for a demo.

Demonstration of the power and authority that He spoke about.

I love it when believers step out boldly to do just that.

Like Eagle Precious here.

Another Eagle Thandiwe has caught the revelation too.

She says:

“On the 01 January 2021 I started an ALL NIGHT PRAYER, and invited one of my friends we were praying communicating through Whatsapp.

The following day, the Holy Spirit became so strong and said I must do the all night prayer UNTIL Jesus comes, and do it every Friday without fail.

Saints to tell you right now we are 20 and people are invited by other people who have joined.

Every Friday without fail we have an all night prayer, the name of the group is COVENANT PRAYER WARRIORS.

We are in Covenant BORN from Ezekiel 22 v 30-31, we are responding to God saying ”here we are LORD to stand in the gap” and we pray for everything and anything in agreement.

There are many testimonies that God has given to people and many are encouraged.”


Can you imagine what will happen if even 1 percent of Christians on earth today were to catch this revelation?

We basically would turn WhatsApp, Facebook and the likes to the biggest Virtual Church the world has ever known …

… that is, until they wise up and shut us all down.

Undeterred, we’ll match forward to create our own Christ-centered WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, TikTok all dedicated to demonstrating the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.

What do you think will happen then?

I tell you:

We’ll shut down all the virus talk ruling the airwaves plus all the delusion of a looming demonic one-world order in a heartbeat …

… and help usher in the greatest Christian revival the world has ever known.

Food for thought

Maybe the LORD is waiting for us to do this?

Think about it.

Powerful things can happen when believers decide to pick up the gauntlet and push back the demonic hordes of darkness through prayer-powered digital evangelism.

The Mandate still stands:

Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give. – Matt 10:8

Talking about raising the dead, one Eagle from Down Under (Australia) tried his hands at it a while

As a missionary he had no choice but to demonstrate the power of resurrection in the line of duty.

Hear him:

Praying to Raise the Dead

I praise Jesus for leading me to you two years ago to be trained how to pray about everything.

In 2017, I sent you an email testifying of how Jesus raised a dead infant in the indigenous community I was doing Missionary Work in.

On that night while praying for the infant, we used the prayer bullet:

“Oh, Great Physician, by all Power in which you are known to be God, Arise and declare divine healing all over the baby’s body in Jesus name.

Holy spirit of God flush, her system and cleanse her blood with the blood of Jesus.”

The baby was instantly brought back to life by the Lord Jesus.

God did the same miracle again. In the last seven days we were praying and fasting for a sister in our church who was on life support in the Hospital.

The doctors told this woman’s husband that the life support at one point in time will not be able to
support her anymore.

Because her heartbeat was getting weaker and her lungs had crashed.

We continued to fast and pray and we broke bread at midnight and on Monday night, I was firing the same prayer bullet that I had used two years ago.

And to God be the glory, this woman woke up the next day at midday.

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever.

I thank the Holy Spirit of God using you to train us to be powerful in our prayers and in our daily walk with Him.

Thank you for being God’s vessel of power.

Glory be to Jesus and praises be to His powerful name.

- Emosi Bau, Sydney, Australia


All glory to God.

This, My Friend, is #2 of the 2 Dreaded Weapons of Warfare


It is going out there to demo the power in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Just step out.

He will do the rest. 

And what is the #1 weapon?

That brings us back to Eagle Gape from South Africa.

First, let me tell you a secret.

The kingdom of darkness starts a suicide watch whenever their agent is sent on a mission against a child of God who knows how to do what Eagle Gape is about to describe here.

Because they know the chances of their agent coming back alive is slim to none.

Please pay close attention…

… as she describes how she wielded this one weapon when the enemy launched a sudden attack that cold winter night.

She continues:

To Hell And Back … Deliverance Praise

“I will forever be grateful for this teaching of praying and praising our God in our native  language and worship him in our mother tongue….

This one still gives me chills n goosebumps even today when I do it…

I now go to extreme cuz I dance and worship with such an attitude physically and emotionally.

I dance with my African moves. The one we salute kingship and lordship.

I feel honored to salute and ululate King Jesus and Him alone as The Chief of my life, my Lordship.

In Southern Africa we call him Morena wa ba Rena…

I got testimony of this kind. In 2018 when I had to wake up one cold night, June 14th and go to hell to snatch my husband from the enemies’ camp.

I roared in my native language. I wanted the African spirit world to hear me very well and not slumber or pretend they didn’t understand me.

As I took them to the heavenly court and told them they got no business in my house or with any of my family members…

… the devil and his mother-in-law heard me well.

They surely did hear.

My Redeemer, my refuge, my Great Physician came for my husband in the ICU.

What the neurologist said takes 2 years to overcome … my husband took 7 exact days to be precise.

On the 21st June he was not only out of ICU but out of hospital.

That’s the whole reason I never miss any program elisha post to me to join.

I don’t know elisha but i feel like we are long old friends, the way he always knows what should be done next, the programs are always relevant and on time.”


O LORD, how we need more Gapes, Preciouses, Emosis, Thandiwes to fly the Jesus flag of victory in a world gone stark, raving mad.

There’s more but I’m sure you get the idea.

The #1 dreaded weapon of warfare you must roll out this season starting tonight is…

#1 of the 2 Dreaded Weapons of Warfare

… is the weapon of praise-prayer.

Eagle Gape borrowed a leaf from King David’s playbook.

If you are a Bible student, you know that David never lost a single battle.

That was his big secret.

He wrote:

At midnight I will rise to give thanks unto thee because of thy righteous judgments. – Ps. 119:62 

It doesn’t matter who or what the enemy was.

His seemingly foolish or outrageous praise-prayers never failed to bring down divine judgment on them…

… while, on the other hand, magnetizing the presence of the LORD along with tons of blessings to David and the nation Israel.

O LORD, how we need more Davids today!

Before we go to the prayers…



There is ONE key that unlocks everything.

That key is:

But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. – Matt 6:33

Without it nothing else will work.

For these prayers to BRING ANY ANSWERS, you must surrender your life to the Lord Jesus Christ.


#1: You must be genuinely born again

If you are not, you may be putting yourself in grave danger praying this kind of warfare prayers you are about to see shortly. If you are not willing to surrender all to the Lord Jesus, I suggest you stop reading now.

#2: Living a holy life is non-negotiable

You could get into serious trouble if you pray this type of prayers while continuing to live in sin. As soon as you read this, the Holy Spirit will bring conviction to your heart if you are living in any known sin. My advice is that you drop this material immediately, go on your knees and repent. Please do not go back to your vomit.

Eagle Martin chimes in from Ghana:

Sex Maniac No More!

“ I was baptized and confirmed in one of the Orthodox Churches several years ago but still lived a sinful life.

A persistent alcoholic, a sex maniac and still participating in idol worship and other sinful practices habits.

After going through the instructions here, I went into confession of all my sins as well as my ancestors. I started the Pre-Marathon Prayers. I am now in day 13 of the 2nd Week of Pre-Marathon Prayers.

I have joined a new Bible believing Church where we spend a lot of time praying individually. The good news is I visited some friends and they gave me alcohol of low percentage.

When I tasted it, I started having severe headache and I stopped. I knew the Holy Spirit had convicted me.

The woman I had a daughter with and rejected has also been accepted back because I performed our traditional customary rights of marriage.

No more alcohol, no more womanizing and no more mingling with wrong friends. Our God is a great and loving God. Alleluia Jesus has cleansed me with His blood. Praised be to God.”


#3: Be filled with the Spirit daily

You must not be a fleshly, carnal believer. Learn to crucify your flesh. Walk in the spirit. A few tell-tale signs of carnal Christians are that they get angry very easily, cannot control their appetite for food or sex, always compare themselves to others, tell small white lies, gossip and complain about everyone, etc.

This is how to walk in the spirit.


“In 2005 I was 25 years old and was not born again so I was in a relationship with a man and I fell pregnant and I felt I didn’t want to keep this pregnancy because I was not ready for a child.

So I resorted to committing abortion. I told no one about the pregnancy and abortion even the father of the baby knew nothing until we broke up it was my secret. As the years went by I got born again and by God’s special grace I got to know of Elisha Goodman and Firesprings Ministries. 

Believe me saints I always wondered why my life was an uphill battle I mean sickness and diseases that defy science. I’m xxxxx officer in my country but there was nothing to write home about.

I lost my car mysteriously and I was reduced to a poor woman, despite prayers and fastings in this forum and confession. This went on for (11) eleven full years until last year 2020 days before the Golden Journey Express program.

The Holy Spirit whispered to me to call the man and confess to him all that I have done regarding abortion. I was afraid at first but I finally called him and told him everything and the man forgave me.

Eagles of God, the Holy Spirit is so excellent and he knows more than we could ever imagine. 

Immediately after that I got healed and shortlisted for big positions at work. Now I’m an Assistant Director and financially I’m ok.

 ‘He who covers his sin will not prosper but whoever confesses and forsakes them will obtain mercy’

Thank you Lord Jesus Christ for giving me another chance in life.”



#4: Get addicted … to the Word of God, your Bible, that is.

Read it out loud as much as possible. Meditate on Scripture and let your actions and decisions be directed by the Holy Spirit and the Word of God.

Now, before we go to the prayers…

Let me assure you that the God who answers prayers is looking at you right now.

He is waiting to see if you’ll take what you’ve just read here seriously enough to the point of putting it to practice.

He says:

Come now, and let us reason together, says the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.

If you are willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land: But if you refuse and rebel, you shall be devoured with the sword: for the mouth of the LORD has spoken it. – Isa 1:18-20

If you are willing and obedient …

…  congratulations.

Let’s go to the prayers. 

7 Furious Prayers for July 2021

Scripture ingredient:

For the mountains shall depart, and the hills be removed; but my kindness shall not depart from thee, neither shall the covenant of my peace be removed, saith the LORD that hath mercy on
thee. – Isa 54:10

1.    O Lord, open unto me Your highway of power in the name of Jesus.


2.   Every problem that came into my life while I was still in the womb, receive divine termination by fire in the name ofJesus.


3.  Every serpent programmed to attack me in the spirit, receive madness and turn against your senders in Jesus name.


4.  Every cauldron deployed in my environment by witchcraft powers, turn around and swallow your sponsors in Jesus name.


5.   O God arise and let the modern-day tower of Babel collapse under its own weight in the name of Jesus.


6.   Altars of satanic exchange in my environment, I curse you to collapse and die in the name of Jesus.


7.   O LORD hear my cry for deliverance; arise and deliver me to the uttermost in the name of Jesus.



By the way, these super-aggressive prayer bullets are “borrowed” from the ongoing Singles Forum.

The virtual door remains open for the next few days for those who asked whether they could join to pray for friends, family and loved ones.

Trudy writes: 

“I had a dream where someone was telling me not to join the prayers, that I already have so many prayer points from Elisha and can just do my own program from there.

I was wondering why someone would tell me not to join, 
they seemed to mean well but something was off, why would someone discourage me from prayer. 

It wasn’t long until I saw an email from Elisha saying the enemy was whispering to people not to join, I believed it and here I am.

Tried looking for that email again couldn’t see it, I got confused thinking maybe it was a dream, but I know the enemy was afraid of the prayers and that’s why he was trying to discourage me.

I will not listen to the devil, so many excuses, money time etc,

I refused to hear of it and here I am. Praise the Lord!

Go here or HERE to join the Forum

Be an Overcomer


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Post image for <h2 align=center><b><font color=red>7 Furious Prayers for June 2021</font></b></h2>

 This month we change the realm of our prayers. 

Before we go there … 

We take a moment to reflect on the goodness of God. 

Memory just stepped out in faith…

… to join the Prayer Academy.

A few days ago she wrote: 

“We got frustrated by false prophets” 

“I am already in day1 week 2 pre-marathon prayers. I knew of your program not in detail but my sister who was having marriage problems was encouraged by her neighbor who paid for her to join. She is in lesson 2.

“So she encouraged me and my other younger sister to join and the three of us are in the prayer academy. We got frustrated by false prophets in the family at a point where problems where right left and center, my brother has a mental case, troubles in marriages, confusion amongst siblings, financial losses, businesses and contracts failing.

We decided to try this approach of praying for oneself without depending on people. I believe we will all testify though already the devil is fighting us heavily.” 


Of course she will testify. 

Just like Zaliyat and her family members. 

She says: 

New Jobs Galore!

 ”In April 2020 I lost my job, after which I joined the PA and focused on praying for deliverance for my family. God orchestrated my four sisters and two aunts to join the PA in October of the same year.

I joined them in the journey, and although the seven of us are in 3 different continents we had a conference call once a week where I explained each lesson and prayed the prayers with them.

A month after we embarked on the PA I got a job. Then a few weeks later my sister got a job, in her case she hadn’t had a steady job in years, next my aunt got a job followed by a second sister then a third sister.

By the time the program ended five out of us were gainfully employed to the glory of God. The other two didn’t need jobs.” – Zaliyat

 There’s MORE…

“New Job with 6X Increase in Salary”

 “I give God all the glory and Praise because of what He has done to me and my family. I had a good job since for six years 2012 to 2018. My contract ended in 2018 August. I started teaching at the nursing college but still making applications.

Meaning my salary went down from thrice than the one was receiving its been difficult for me to support my mum and relatives. I had done more than 20 applications , was called for interview once.

The chair of panel in confidence told me was the best candidate but wasn’t picked. Then i stopped praying for a job, stopped making application, i told myself God’s time is the best. Fast forward since 2018 my prayer has been to find a good job around southern region so that i should not be far away from my family.

I have joined almost each program here.

I never lost hope. BOOM! just received a call from one of the UN organization telling me we would like to give you a job. It’s a project for 9 months within southern region. Now started working for 0ne and half months.

My salary has increase about 6 times than the one i have been receiving. No interview, no hassles. God sent me a divine helper. And this came in after my spirit was down. Our God is so faithful. Contract signed and sealed. And been told the project might go up to 5 years. I cried, I praised the Lord.” – Eagle TL, NFR Forum  

She Was Fired But I Saw A Vision… 

“My friend was fired last year November, the company we are working in has been cutting staff due to covid. I encouraged her to join PA but she is reluctant. l shared the Covenant keeping God prayer with her still I had to push her to pray or fast with her. 

I had a vision God showed me step by step how she will get her job back if she followed specific instructions. Knowing my friend I shared the dreams with her but still she continued with her life.

I remember asking God to do it for her so that she will believe and know that You are still God. God did it for her – detail by detail – the same day l saw in my dreams Wednesday.  

Hallelujah Hallelujah God take all the glory and praise. He has restored her joy indeed. He is the Covenant keeping God of Abraham, lsaac and Jacob. 

The people who insulted her in the office (managers) and told her to look for another job somewhere else are the same people God used to call her back and fall over themselves to help after embarrassing and degrading her.” – Amanda, NFR Forum 


Praise the LORD. 

Apart from jobs, what else?

Marriage Now Restored

 “My marriage was on the verge of breaking this year due to extra marital activities, but God who is rich in mercy used my dear friend Gaye to introduce me to the Prayer Academy where I joined and followed the instructions of the program to the T.

“I made declarations like: every river of marital desires from my father’s house dry up now in Jesus name. I did the Esther Fast, midnight prayers and diligently studied the materials and the Word which produced results.

“I have introduced this program to my family and friends as the results are evident My husband is now devoted to me and our love and relationships has been restored.” – Kudakwashe 

Acquitted! Case Dismissed

 “The covenant keeping God of Abraham, Jacob and Isaac did it for me and my family. My wife was acquitted of a court case which has been depriving of our peace since 2017. She was on bail for 4 years, every time I attended the court I would pray this prayer. The judgement was on 30th April 2021, Indeed our God is a covenant keeping God” – Terence 

From Swimming in $68,000 Debt to Debt Free

 “When I joined PA at the end of 2017, I was in a difficult place in all areas of my life. Stagnation, struggles and distress everywhere.

I had $68,000 in debt. My testimony is that I am now completely debt free. It has not been easy, but God has is able. I also have more testimonies, but it is not yet time to share them.” - Melody

“30-Year-Old Problem Dissolved”

 “Our God is good all the time and all the time He is good. I have a 30 plus years old problem I’ve been praying for a solution unsuccessfully until I joined the Prayer Academy in August last year.

When I received the package and instructions I knew God has brought me to a place of solution.

Today my 35-year-old son who degenerated into drugs and near madness has met his destiny helper who is gradually getting him off drugs. He now has gotten a formal job that takes him from home most part of the day and he is very happy and excited about it.” – Beatrice H **

“God Fought My Battles as I Prayed for Peace of Jerusalem” 

 I’m thankful to God for enabling me to be here. I participated in interceding for Israel and even encouraged brethren who are not in the Prayer Academy to do it.

I didn’t know what the enemy was doing behind my back concerning my career through his cohorts. So I walked into my boss’ office to inquire about some duty and to my surprise, the boss confessed and showed me the letter that he had drafted against me to my employer over false allegations even without finding out from me whether it was true or false.

I give glory to God who made me to go into that office because when I explained to him, he destroyed the letter that was to leave me jobless. I remember our coach Elisha telling us to forget about our battles for a week and intercede for the peace of Jerusalem.Well I did and God fought my silent battle. Glory be to God.” – Philes **

“A Family of Prophets”

 “I want to thank GOD for this website. It has made my family prophets especially my children.

I do not need to ask when I pray but revelations come through my children. What a mighty GOD we serve. I am so grateful for every word He says through this website. May GOD richly bless Elisha and team for the help and daily encouragement.” — Mary


Praise the LORD. 

We put the seal of the Holy Ghost on all these testimonies in Jesus’ name. 

I’ll let you in on a little secret… 

Many of these testimonies are from the NFR Forum. 

NFR stands for near future revelation. 

You pray to “see” things ahead of time. 

One example of how that works is the testimony from Eagle Amanda who saw ahead of time how her friend would get her job back. 

Another is the family of prophets where the children receive revelations all by themselves. 

No need to run around looking for visions and prophecies from sources you are not even sure are of God. 

Without controversy…

The greatest legacy you can leave for your children and grandchildren is a legacy of prayer and love for the Word of God. 

Just last Sunday… 

I was invited to a praise concert at a youth-oriented church in downtown Los Angeles. 

Leading the praise team was worship singer/songwriter  Brandon Lake.

He co-wrote the song “Talking to Jesus.” 

He sings about how he learned to pray as a young child. 

Here’s part of the lyrics: 


Grandma used to pray out loud

By her bed every night

To me, it sounded like mumbling

Like she was out of her mind

She said, “Boy, this kind of praying

Is what saved my life

You outta try it some time”

And now I know she was right


She was talking to Jesus

She was talking to Jesus

She’d been talking to Jesus

For all of her life 

Mama used to drag me to church

Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights

Khaki pants and a polo shirt

Boy, I put up a fight

She said, “Son, one day you’ll thank me

For having God in your life”

And yeah I know she was right

Yeah my mama was right 

‘Cause now I’m talking to Jesus

She got me talking to Jesus

She got me talking to Jesus

Yeah my mama was right…



His grandma was a prayer warrior. 

She passed it on to the next generation. 

She taught him to pray. 

And now he has taught his 4 children to pray!

Passing the torch of prayer from one generation to another.

That’s the divine pattern.

Apostle Paul said to Timothy: 

When I call to remembrance the genuine faith that is in you, which dwelt first in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice, and I am persuaded is in you also. – 2 Tim 1:5  

Let me ask you: 

  • Are you concerned about leaving a spiritual legacy for your next generation? 
  • What are you doing about it? 

I am talking about something of eternal value …

 … far more valuable than material things. 

When we push our members to pray during our “rigorous” prayer riots it is not just for things in the here and now. 

We are sowing a seed that will grow and transfer this godly heritage to future generations. 

A godly legacy for the next generation is something that you and I should be preoccupied with, especially now that the enemy has launched a full-scale attack on our youths…

… using devices like drugs, sexual perversion, peer pressure, etc.

I’ve got to tell you:

Last Sunday it was so refreshing …

… to see these college-age kids, leaving their smartphones behind and lifting up their hands in powerful praise and worship. 

It was all so timely too … 

… because over at the NFR Forum it was the start of our praise-prayer week. 

The prayers you are about to see are “borrowed” from the Forum. 

They are prayers of praise and thanksgiving… 

… unto the LORD. 

But before we go to the prayers… 


There is ONE key that unlocks all the blessings.

But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. – Matt 6:33

For these prayers to BRING ANY ANSWERS, you must first surrender your life to the Lord Jesus Christ.


#1: You must be genuinely born again

If you are not, you may be putting yourself in grave danger praying this kind of warfare prayers you are about to see shortly. If you are not willing to surrender all to the Lord Jesus, I suggest you stop reading now.

#2: Living a holy life is non-negotiable

You could get into serious trouble if you pray this type of prayers while continuing to live in sin. As soon as you read this, the Holy Spirit will bring conviction to your heart if you are living in any known sin. My advice is that you drop this material immediately, go on your knees and repent. Please do not go back to your vomit.

#3: Be filled with the Spirit daily

You must not be a fleshly, carnal believer. Learn to crucify your flesh. A few tell-tale signs of carnal Christians are that they get angry very easily, cannot control their appetite for food or sex, always compare themselves to others, tell small white lies, gossip and complain about everyone, etc.

#4: Get addicted … to the Word of God, your Bible, that is.

Read it out loud as much as possible. Meditate on Scripture and let your actions and decisions be directed by the Holy Spirit and the Word of God.

Now, before we go to the prayers…

Let me assure you that the God who answers prayers is looking at you right now.

He is waiting to see if you’ll take what you’ve just read here seriously enough …

… to the point of putting it to practice.

He says:

Come now, and let us reason together, says the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.

If you are willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land: But if you refuse and rebel, you shall be devoured with the sword: for the mouth of the LORD has spoken it. – Isa 1:18-20

If you are willing and obedient …

…  congratulations.

Let’s go to the prayers. 


Scripture Ingredient:

 It is good to praise the LORD,

and to sing praises to Your name, O Most High, 

to proclaim Your loving kindness in the morning

and Your faithfulness at night … 

With the ten-stringed harp and the melody of the lyre. 

For You, O LORD, have made me glad by Your deeds;

I sing for joy at the works of Your hands. 

How great are Your works, O LORD,
how deep are Your thoughts! – Psalm 92:1-5


Then go ahead and intermingle these prayers with your praises: 

1. With praise and thanksgiving, we sing to You O LORD; for You are good and your mercy endures forever – Ezra 3:11

2.  I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Wonderful are Your works, And my soul knows it very well. –Ps 139:14 

3.  My soul magnifies and exalts the LORD, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior. – Luke 1:47 

4.  To the only wise God our Savior, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen. – Jude 1:25 

5.  I give thanks always for all things to God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ  (Eph 5:20) 

6.  Blessed be the name of the LORD God, our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. – Ps 46:1

7.  Your kingdom O LORD is an everlasting kingdom, and Your dominion endures through all generations, glory be to your name. – Psalm 145:13


Be An Overcomer


P.S.  For more prayers bullets please go here and HERE


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Post image for <h2 align=center><b><font color=red>7 Furious Prayers for May 2021</font></b></h2>

All around us…

The rain of blessings is pouring.

For BG it is coming so suddenly people around him are openly accusing him of belonging to a cult.

He says:

“I remember last year November 2020 I wrote to you through email and you responded with a positive reply. I continued to be aggressive in prayers and on December 8, 2020 a miracle happened.

So big some people are not happy about it.

Before we go there, a quick reminder…



Please note that the testimonials and praise reports here are NOT typical. You may or may not get any results from using the principles taught here. In other words, this may not work for you at all. On the other hand, they have worked for thousands just like you. Who’s to say they will not work for you?
May the Lord richly bless you. 

– elisha


Not so long ago he was so down he didn’t even own a phone.

He was using his wife’s phone.

I encouraged him to join the Prayer Academy whenever he could.

Because his problem was deep-rooted and needed continuous, targeted prayer bombardment.

Which is what the Prayer Academy offers.

However, in a strange turn of events people he was indebted to are up in arms.

They hate to see him escape the slave chains of debt.

This week he wrote in dismay:

So Blessed Friends &
Family Shocked and Angry

“I started clearing my debts and I can say by now am almost debt free.

Through the enemy or the devil and his cohorts they are using people that I had debts with, to brand me a thief and a fraud because they are ashamed and shocked that am almost clearning their debts.

Now my life has changed. I am driving a V8 and dressing smart the enemy or the devil and his cohorts are using my friends and some of my family members or people around me to call me an illuminati.”  - BG

Well, well, well …

The devil does not want to see anyone successful or happy.

His agents hate to see the children of God break free from captivity and prosper. 

BG prayed through and now the blessings of the LORD are falling on him.

It makes the devil mad.

Glory to God.

Now, even if your blessings have not yet overflowed for everyone to see…

You can still count your blessings if you think about it.

Like Peter G:

Totally Free From Fear

“Praises be to God. This is a time like no other when the Holy spirit is ministering into my life.

Singing the song ‘am no longer a slave to fear I am a child of God’ I had a lot of fearful thoughts for the past 2 weeks.

Today while taking the prayer bullets I felt a lot of peace and saw the light of God replace the dark cloud. Feeling energized and totally free from the fearful thoughts. Eagles let’s soldier on without tiring or losing hope.” – Peter G, NFR Forum

Freedom from fear is HUGE …

… in a manic world where the enemy has spread a blanket of fear and deception using the media as the satanic mouthpiece.

If you experience what Eagle Peter just described …

… you will find yourself singing and praising the LORD in spite of your circumstances.

Looking back at the past four months all we see is the faithfulness of our God.

Tons of testimonies coming in daily.

Look at this one that came in two days ago from Uganda:

Finally Wedded
After 16 Years of Waiting


“I am Harriet from Uganda, here to testify of the goodness of God. Wedded on Saturday, April 24, 2021 after 16 yrs of waiting. Have been following your emails and prayer bullets that have been helping through my daily life.

I thank you for the constant emails especially: ‘The covenant keeping God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, in the places where they have rejected me cause them to fall over themselves to help me’. I had an angelic wedding, divine provisions and favour. I give back the glory to God!”

- Harriet, Uganda 

Praise the LORD.

The testimonies are all over the Forum.

To share them all here would take hours.

If you take away one thing from here this month it should be this:

The LORD GOD is still pouring out blessings on His people.

Contrary to what the media would have you believe, HE alone is firmly in control.

Not the wannabe tyrants springing up like poisonous mushrooms in every nook and corner of the earth.

I’ll let you in on a secret:

The LORD will take care of His own.

He will continue to pour the blessings on us … so long as we put our trust in Him.

On the other hand, He is getting ready to pour out His indignation on the wicked.

Psalm 75: 6-8

For promotion comes neither from the east
Nor from the west nor from the south.
But God is the Judge:
He puts down one,
And exalts another.

For in the hand of the Lord there is a cup,
And the wine is red;
It is fully mixed, and He pours it out;
Surely its dregs shall all the wicked of the earth
Drain and drink down.

This month we are sharing a few more prayers from the ongoing NFR Forum.

It’s hot in there. 

I won’t tell you what these prayers are targeted at.

Let’s just say that if you take them with the spirit of enough is enough you too will be sharing testimonies here before the end of this month.

Like this late-breaking one from Barbra:

One Debt Down …

I downloaded the 7 Furious Prayers for the Month of March and April, 2021 towards the end of April, 2021. 
I started using the Prayer Points to get out of debt.

To the glory of God during the same period, I received a call from my brother-in-law inviting me and my children to visit him home.

We went to visit my brother-in-law on Saturday 24th April, 2021 and to my surprise, he and his wife (my elder sister) gave me a sum of ZMK11, 500.00 to clear one of my long outstanding debts amounting to ZMK10,500.00 with a financial lending institution in my country. – Barbra

From the NFR Forum comes this:

“Divine Promotion
Week 1 Into the NFR Prayers”

God has done it! I have been employed for 10 years now but no promotion. Last month by the
grace of God, we were invited for interviews for promotion of at work.

Actually we were seven of us who attended two seperate interviews for promotion, one was of a higher position, the other one was of a lower grade.

I told God that I wanted the higher post. Out of 7 individuals, they only wanted one person and guess who that one person is? Eagle Faith.

Indeed ‘Powers that bury blessings, your time is up, release my portion and die in the name of Jesus’. — Eagle Faith, NFR Forum

 OK, just one more … 

Blessed With A Well Paying Job

“I really can’t believe it that after soo many months being jobless, the Lord blessed me with a well paying job last month which has enabled me to pay my rented house ad support my kids ad even much more serve God.

I have lived under the mercies of my friends paying the house we used to live ,feeding us,educating the kids but today, I dance to the most high God fr his promises are yes and amen.

Thank you for teaching my hands to war and all the eagles for walking wth me thru the tough road. The same God who has given me a stable job is the same God who will restore my marriage.”  - Josephine

All glory and honor belong to the LORD. 

Before we get to the prayers …


Here’s what we teach here:

There is only ONE key that unlocks everything.

That key is:

But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; 
and all these things shall be added unto you. – Matt 6:33

Without it nothing else will work.

or these prayers to BRING ANY ANSWERS, you must surrender your life to the Lord Jesus Christ.


#1: You must be genuinely born again

If you are not, you may be putting yourself in grave danger praying this kind of warfare prayers you are about to see shortly. If you are not willing to surrender all to the Lord Jesus, I suggest you stop
reading now.

#2: Living a holy life is non-negotiable

You could get into serious trouble if you pray this type of prayers while continuing to live in sin. As soon as you read this, the Holy Spirit will bring conviction to your heart if you are living in any known sin. My advice is that you drop this material immediately, go on your knees and repent. Please do not go back to your vomit.

#3: Be filled with the Spirit daily

You must not be a fleshly, carnal believer. Learn to crucify your flesh. A few tell-tale signs of carnal Christians are that they get angry very easily, cannot control their appetite for food or sex, always
compare themselves to others, tell small white lies, gossip and complain about everyone, etc.

#4: Get addicted … 
to the Word of God, your Bible, that is.

Read it out loud as much as possible. Meditate on Scripture and let your actions and decisions be directed by the Holy Spirit and the Word of God.

Now, before we go to the prayers…

Let me assure you that the God who answers prayers is looking at you right now.

He is waiting to see if you’ll take what you’ve just read here seriously enough …

… to the point of putting it to practice.

He says:

Come now, and let us reason together, says the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.

If you are willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land: But if you refuse and rebel, you shall be devoured with the sword: for the mouth of the LORD has spoken it. – Isa 1:18-20

If you are willing and obedient …

…  congratulations.

Let’s go to the prayers. 

7 Furious Prayers for May 2021

Scripture Ingredient:

For promotion comes neither from the east

Nor from the west nor from the south.

But God is the Judge:

He puts down one, And exalts another.

For in the hand of the Lord there is a cup,

And the wine is red;

It is fully mixed, and He pours it out;

Surely its dregs shall all the wicked of

the earth drain and drink down.

- Psalm 75: 6-8

Praise and worship …

1.    O LORD make my life a vessel of holiness, compassion and glory upon the earth in Jesus name.

2.   It does not matter whether I deserve it or not, I receive unqualifiable favor from the Lord in the name of Jesus.

3.   O LORD open your Book of Remembrance for all your children this month.

4.   Holy Spirit, help me to be addicted to the Word of God day by day in Jesus name.

5.   Blood of Jesus speak destruction to Satan’s yoke in my life in the name of Jesus.

6.   I reject evil bloodline covenants; thou Power of God deliver me to the uttermost in the name of Jesus.

7.   Every ancestral power of affliction in my life, dig your own graves, fall into them and be buried in the name of Jesus.

Be An Overcomer


  For more NFR-type prayers bullets please go here and HERE


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