7 Furious Prayers for March 2020

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Drowning in debts? 

There’s a way out. 

(Debt cancellation prayers coming up)

But first, these 3 quick tips…

Call these the DO’s and DONT’s for total victory…

… against debt slavery.

(The last tip is by far the most important).


TIP #1

Bring your spending under control.

Believe it or not, many people in debt today can do with a bit of financial discipline in how they spend and what they spend their money on.

This is an absolute starting point for anyone planning to get out of debt anytime soon.

(This one is not really spiritual but it could be).


TIP #2

Learn 2 types of prayers.

Type #1 prayers are debt-cancelling prayers.

Type #2 prayers are prosperity-injection prayers.

Both are necessary in order to break the stubborn cycle of debt and usher in abundance and plenty.

You will see examples of both shortly. 

Before I give you Tip #3, here’s what can happen very quickly when you take this unusual teaching to heart.


Case #1:
Out of Debt Within 40 Days

“I joined your prayer sessions on 30th December 2019 and my main focus was to go out of debt slavery. Since June, 2019 I have been lending money from a certain Loan Shark (someone who lends money at excessive interest rates). 

Come 8th February,2020, the Loan Shark called me to meet. When we met, all he said was he had waived all the interest(s) such that I should just pay him the principal only.

As I am writing this email I am debt free and I thank the GOD we serve as being so faithful and INDEED HE ANSWERS OUR PRAYERS.” - Lickson M

Case #2:
£67,000 Debt Written Off By Creditors

I have joined many programs on this website in the past. I have seen people sharing many testimonies about what God did to help them in their circumstances. I’d just read and tell myself that one day, God will also allow me to share something good with you and today is this day.

This week my debt of £67,000 was written off by my creditors. I initially thought this was either a scam or the person who spoke to me over the phone did not know what she was doing.

However, I received a formal certifcate of Completion from my debt supervisor through the post that my unsecured debts have satisfactorily been settled. Eagles, I hope this testimony will be a blessing to you in your trials.” – Eagle JP


TIP #3

Please don’t go it alone.

Find a genuine group of praying believers and join them.

They will uphold you when you are weak.

They will share their war stories and victory strategies with you.

They will support you in prayer (very important).

They will share scriptures of encouragement with you …

… and help you silence the evil voice of discouragement and hopelessness.

There are a few other things you’ll be encouraged to put into practice such as giving your tithes, seeking the kingdom…

… but these 3 will get you moving in the right direction quickly).


This is important to know … 


Danger Online (Must Read) 

Firesprings Ministry is NOT affiliated with any group on Whatsapp or other social media. We receive daily complaints from people who have been misled by groups on Whatsapp claiming to be part of Firesprings. Please note that if you join these groups you’re doing so at your own risk.
God bless you. - 



Talking about finding a praying group …

… There’s no better place than the Prayer Eagles Forum, where all our prayer warrior eagles from 117 countries congregate to share, intercede for and encourage one another.

It is the ONLY online Forum where you can access our most current materials and prayer bullets. It is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 

Click here to join us

“For the LORD your God shall bless you as He has promised you, and you will lend to many nations, but you will not borrow; and you will rule over many nations, but they will not rule over you. – Deut. 15:6

Any believer in debt or whose money mysteriously disappears into thin air needs to know this:

It is false to have the notion that God wants you to be poor or in debt (HE does not).

It is false to think that God does not does not love you enough to provide for you.

Allow me to repeat what I’ve been saying here for 15 years.

There is something we all need to understand about debt.

It is a secret WEAPON of war. Plain and simple.

The rich use it against the poor.

Proverbs 22:7 says:

The rich rules over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender.

Rich nations (and their institutions) secretly use it against poor nations (e.g. the IMF).

The enemy is an expert at deploying the weapon of debt against the people of God.

But thank God for deliverance from every form of bondage including debt slavery in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

This month’s prayers are culled from our latest DEBT FREEDOM manual.

(Full set of prayers can be found in the Archive or Prayer Academy).

Here’s the …


1. O LORD forgive me where I have quenched and grieved your Spirit in Jesus’ name

2.  O God my Provider, make a way for me to get out of debt this year in Jesus name.

3.  Every hidden sin in my life hindering the move of the Holy Spirit, be washed away by the blood of Jesus.

4.  Any satanic driver demanding for a ransom from me – now or in the future – I drag you before the judgement seat of Christ in Jesus  name.

5.  Every dragon of debt, vomit my finances and swallow yourself in the name of Jesus.

6.  Satanic chains binding me to the grindstone of debt, break by fire in the name of Jesus.

7.   O LORD empower me to make wealth this year in the name of Jesus.

Be An Overcomer 


P.S. For More prayer bullets from latest Debt Freedom manuals go here and HERE

P.P.S. Join other Eagles for prayer coaching sessions at the Eagles Forum here 

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